ZIA – Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V.
Leipziger Platz 9
D-10117 Berlin
+49/30/2 02 15 85-0
+49/30/2 02 15 85-29
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ZIA - The strong voice of Ger­man pro­perty

The ZIA German Property Federation is the umbrella organization of the German real estate industry. It views itself as the strong voice of the property sector and fosters dialogue with its members, which include more than 25 associations, representing 37,000 companies in the sector. ZIA combines the interests of the property sector’s entire value chain, as well as all its product types, which reinforces the industry and reflects its importance for the economy. As an umbrella organization comprising entrepreneurs and federations, ZIA acts at domestic and at European level – and as a member of the Federation of German Industry (BDI). Dr Andreas Mattner is ZIA’s President.